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With its emphasis on practical, real-world text, Typing ABC teaches typing skills more quickly than programs based upon abstract conc
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With its emphasis on practical, real-world text, Typing ABC teaches typing skills more quickly than programs based upon abstract concepts. Key words for each lesson are based on the most common words that are used in schools, business, and homes. Typing ABC`s lessons and drills are based upon a stunning onscreen keyboard that shows the placement of the keys. Using color, sound, and animation, there is no need for aspiring typists to look at their fingers while typing. The screen also contains copybook text for the student to type. The user gets immediate feedback for correctly and incorrectly typed keys. In addition, Typing ABC has a unique Finger Tips graphic device that reminds you of the position and direction of your fingers when typing characters. As with all of Typing ABC`s on-screen feedback tools, Finger Tips may be easily turned on or off by the user. As typing skills increase, users can move from Watch and Type mode into Blind Typing, forcing them to look at the text to be typed instead of the results of their typing. Typing ABC uses analyze your typing statistics, find your weakness, and construct copybook drills that help you practice the keys and key combinations that you need to work on. In addition to using the built-in lessons, you can import your own text files for drill and practice. There is even a Tetris-like typing game that provides a lighthearted break from the drills and lessons. Typing ABC gives you real-time feedback on your typing accuracy and speed. Progress meters keep track of your level of effort, and performance meters show you the results of your most recent practice or quiz. Beginning typists have two problems: They cannot type without watching the keyboard, and their fingers - especially ring fingers and pinkies cannot move fast enough. Typing ABC helps users overcome both problems, and turns hunt-and-peck typists into touch typists.
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